Monday, August 18, 2008

Wednesday, August 13

My eyes snapped open at 5 AM. I was freezing. I looked around me in a confused daze, realizing that I was in my tent, halfway across the country. I wasn't even on my air mattress. I was laying on the floor in front of my computer. I tried to sniff, but my nose was absolutely clogged. Not to mention the horrible pain in my stomach reminding me that I hadn't eaten in a full day and a half. I was sick. Shit.

I grabbed my shoes and stumbled outside, trying to walk the 40 yards to the port-a-johns. I didn't bother grabbing a jacket, I hurt. Bad. After fighting off my urge to just get sick in the bushes, I searched for a part-a-john with toilet paper in it. Not a single one, until I got to the last one. Now put yourself in my situation. You're dazed and confused, it's 5 AM, you're sick to your stomach, and you know something's going to come out of one end any second now. It's cold, it's dark, and you aren't sure how much toilet paper is left in this smelly shit-tank. Welcome to Michigan! I stumbled into my tent, turned on my space heater, put on a jacket, and went straight to sleep.

At 10 there was a knock on my door. And by knock I mean Tommy just said "Knock Knock" in front of my tent. I got dressed, smoked a couple of cigarettes, and walked to Tommy's trailer. He was playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion on his PS3, and he offered me a cup of coffee. I drank it, watched him play, and then we got to work. With the new liner in the pit, we added water as a guy who's known as Basil came and pushed the dirt into the pit. We worked for a good 4 or 5 hours, adding dirt and mixing it up, playing little improv games as we worked. After we had all the dirt in and mixed, we realized that we needed about twice as much as we got, and that wouldn't be there until the next morning. So, we broke for lunch, (much to my body's satisfaction), ran through the scripts several times, got comfortable with the shows, wrapped up, and went back to the campsite. I'm here now at the Casa, waiting for the rain to pass, enjoying some White Stripes.

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